Here is a list of things that I've been holding onto on my phone. I finally got around to reading them today and wanted to share:
- InspiroBot – What if you could get custom-generated motivational posters? This site has an machine-learning implementation with everything you need.
- – Instead of adding a JavaScript/CSS package to your pages when you want to display code snippets, use this application to get a nicely-CSS-ified version of your code.
- What Comes After Senior Developer – Some ideas for what to do when being a front-line developer is no longer fun at your company and other ideas to help prevent burn-out due to bureaucracy/turnover.
- Open Source Software from Netflix – What it says on the tin. These are the tools/frameworks which Netflix is providing back to the community through Github.
- Twitter kind of made a dog's breakfast out of this thread providing some receipts about the draw-backs of open-plan offices. Alina Manda lays out some references to papers that she found in her reading of Susan Cain's "Quiet":
- Safia Abdalla has been doing some code-reading while finishing up her degree. I just happened to run across her breakdown of git internals and thought that she had a pretty cool approach:
- Getting into git init
- What's inside the .git directory?
- What's in a git config?
- Trying to figure out how git-status works: a saga
- How does Git store working tree state?
- How does Git know if you have uncommitted changes in the working tree? (Part I)
- What's inside the `.git/objects` directory?
- Reading code late at night and realizing that it's not a good idea – This one's about add_head_to_pending and the object struct.
- Learning more about how commits are represented in Git
- A complete story of what happens when you run `git commit`
- How does `git add` work under the hood?
- bonus – Looking into ls
- bonus – What happens when you run sudo?