As you may or may not know, I have two homes: SW Indiana, and Columbus, Ohio. Since I spend 75% or more of my time in SW Indiana and there are few opportunities in this area for networking/learning the craft, I'm always happy to learn about new groups of like-minded people in my other home.
I found this group through a random tweet from Marc Peabody. He mentioned that they would be trying out some Scala Koans and included a link to the group's Google Groups site. Since joining the group earlier today, I've found the details for the Scala Koans night and I've been informed of interest in running a Code Retreat event at the beginning of April in Columbus.
I haven't made it to any meetings yet (they're still a pretty new group), but I've had some friendly conversations in e-mail with members of the group and have met some of the other members through NFJS, COJUG, CRB, etc... Sounds like it should be a pretty good time when I'm able to make it.